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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Modern Welsh Dictionary

by Gary King - £10.99  Oxford University Press (2007)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9780199228744 | ISBN 10: 0199228744

The Modern Welsh Dictionary is intended for the growing number of learners of Welsh in all walks of life, and is designed with your needs in mind. It contains hundreds of example phrases of spoken and written Welsh, so that you can see the language in context. Excellent grammar notes on tricky words and important topics mean that help is always on hand, whether you are working in Welsh or in English.
The handy paperback format and superior coverage of vocabulary makes the Modern Welsh Dictionary the first-choice for beginner- and intermediate-level learners of the language, as well as those who want a quick-reference dictionary that can be carried easily.
The Modern Welsh Dictionary includes:
* Comprehensive coverage of contemporary Welsh
* Thousands of examples taken from actual speech and writing to show how the language works in context
* NEW Quick-reference list of vocabulary relevant to the Welsh Assembly
* Quick-reference lists of countries, regions, cities, and languages
* Special notes on the usage of tricky words.

(Price & availability last checked: July 2018)

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