by Blue Ball Press - £15.00 Blue Ball Press (2024)
ISBN 13: 9781838059965 | ISBN 10: 1838059962
This Moon calendar, or Lunar Calendar, draws inspiration from the common spirit of different European traditions and mythologies; From the Gaul’s Coligny Calendar, the Celtic Tree Calendar, Druidic and Anglo-Saxon traditions.
Some guidance is given on the character of each moon season with its characteristics, associated trees or plants, and names by which they have been personified and sometimes worshiped. The Germanic Rune and its name are given, with its meaning in English. The Sun signs from Astrology have been included, and letters from the Druidic alphabet but also the eclipses of sun and moon.
The calendar is based on the pagan tradition of celebrating the cycle of the year. Celebration and awareness of the changing seasons is health-giving and brings us close to nature. Religion, or Res Ligio means the rules by which we live. Many celebrations and duties have grown out of the natural order and cycle of the seasons. These are supported by myths and tales which give meaning to our lives.
Significant days from religions and other traditions have been included. Some of these point to links with natural events and seasonal concerns and provide common ground for celebration.
The philosophy of this calendar is our shared belonging to mother earth.
(Price & availability last checked: November 2024)
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