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Schumacher Briefings 12: Ecovillages - New Frontiers for Sustainability

by Jonathan Dawson - £6.00  Green Books (2006)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781903998779 | ISBN 10: 1903998778

In recent years, ecovillages - local communities which aim to minimise their eclogical impact but maximise human wellbeing and happiness - have proliferated worldwide. They incorporate a wealth of radical ideas and approaches which can be traced back to Schumacher, Gandhi, eco-feminism, and the alternative education movement. This Briefing describes the history and potential of the ecovillage movement.
The threads that are brought together in Ecovillages include:
- Learning from the best elements in traditional and indigenous cultures,
- Alternative economy: community banks and currencies, and voluntary simplicity,
- Designing with nature: using permaculture design, eco-building, small-scale energy generation, waste-management, low-impact transport systems, etc.
- Organic, locally-based food production and processing,
- Reviving small-scale participatory governance, conflict facilitation, social inclusion and active inter-generational community,
- Creating a culture of peace, and holistic, whole person eduction.
In an age of diminishing oil supplies, the Briefing examines the lessons that we can learn from ecovillages to show us how to live in a more ecologically sound and sustainable way.

(Price & availability last checked: May 2018)

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