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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Girls Can Do Anything: The Incredible Girl-o-Pedia of Astounding Achievements

by Caitlin Doyle, illustrated by Chuck Gonzales - £8.99  HarperCollins Publishers (Harper) (2016)
hardback    ISBN 13: 9780008210830 | ISBN 10: 0008210837

From sports to innovation, art to politics – meet the incredible women who got there first.
Ever heard the saying It’s a man’s world? Clearly, the speaker had never met Amelia Earhart or Harriet Tubman. Those feisty females, and many more, rivaled their male counterparts in everything from computer programming to civil rights, and from world speed records to the invention of the chocolate chip cookie!
Did you know that the first computer programmer was a woman? Countess Ada Lovelace (1842).
Or that the inventor of the life raft, windshield wiper, and Kevlar were all female? Maria Beaseley (1882), Mary Anderson (1903), Stephanie Kwolek (1966).
From ground-breaking inventions to feats of endurance, Girls Can Do Anything is the ideal book for growing girls’ and boys’ intellectually curious minds. Loaded with 200 main entries, readers will be armed with incredible trivia about history, science, sports, and the artsperfect for anyone looking to stimulate their mind, brush up for school, or simply indulge in a good read. Organized chronologically, this fact-o-pedia is subdivided into a range of subjects, including science & innovation, sports & endurance, arts & literature, politics & world-building, business & industry, world records, and unusual achievements.

(Price & availability last checked: October 2016)

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