by Christopher Duggan - £12.99 Vintage (2013)
ISBN 13: 9780099539896 | ISBN 10: 0099539896
An exceptionally original exploration into the ideology of Fascism from its conception through to its abiding legacy.
Fascist Voices is a fresh and disturbing look at a country in thrall to a charismatic dictator. Tracing fascism from its conception to its legacy, Christopher Duggan unpicks why the regime enjoyed so much support among the majority of the Italian people. He examines the extraordinary hold the Duce had on Italy and how he came to embody fascism.
By making use of rarely examined sources, such as letters and diaries, newspaper reports, secret police files, popular songs and radio broadcasts, Duggan explores how ordinary people experienced fascism on a daily basis; how its ideology influenced politcs, religion and everyday life to the extent that Mussolini's legacy still lingers in Italy today.
(Price & availability last checked: November 2019)
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