by Liz Berg - £12.99 The History Press Ltd (2020)
ISBN 13: 9780750991438 | ISBN 10: 0750991437
In this book of folk tales, Liz Berg shares Jewish memories: authentic tales, songs and jokes told by Jews in Britain and Ireland. Some stories moved from place to place, changing and adapting to new landscapes and taking on different textures, but the core of the story stays the same and is preserved through oral storytelling and recorded on these pages.
Here are tales from the time of Domitian's Jewish slaves working in the tin mines of Cornwall, through to the tales being told in communities today, all incorporating the wit and magic of a rich and varied culture successfully integrated into Britain and Ireland.
(Price & availability last checked: October 2020)
In booklists: Mythology, Folklore, Fairy Tales and Legends,
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