by Jacky Davis, John Lister and David Wrigley - £10.95 The Merlin Press Ltd (2015)
ISBN 13: 9780850366273 | ISBN 10: 0850366275
In 2010 David Cameron's coalition government discarded pre-election promises about the NHS. Instead they imposed savage spending cuts and pushed through 'reforms' which put at risk the health and lives of all of us. As a result the NHS is now in crisis.
NHS for Sale challenges their myths and lies, arguing that:
* The NHS is efficient and affordable and didn't need radical reform.
* The private sector is not cheaper or more efficient than the public sector.
* The government is privatising the NHS.
* The NHS market is wasting billions of pounds while harming the service.
* The coalition's Health and Social Care Act:
Has not put GPs in the driving seat.
Has reduced patient choice.
Has reduced community control over healthcare priorities.
Has increased bureacracy and waste.
This book sets out what needs to be done to protect the NHS against corporate greed, and enable future governments to meet the challenge of delivering high quality and affordable health care for all.
(Price & availability last checked: February 2015)
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