by The National Gardening Association, with Paul Simon and Charlie Nardozzi - £16.99 John Wiley & Sons Inc (2013)
ISBN 13: 9781118340356 | ISBN 10: 1118340353
The easy way to succeed at urban gardening.
A townhouse yard, a balcony, a fire escape, a south-facing window—even a basement apartment can all be suitable locations to grow enough food to save a considerable amount of money and enjoy the freshest, healthiest produce possible.
Urban Gardening For Dummies helps you make the most of limited space through the use of proven small-space gardening techniques that allow gardeners to maximize yield while minimizing space.
* Covers square-foot gardening and vertical and layered gardening
* Includes guidance on working with container gardening, succession gardening, and companion gardening
* Offers guidance on pest management, irrigation and rain barrels, and small-space composting
If you're interested in starting an urban garden that makes maximum use of minimal space, Urban Gardening For Dummies has you covered.
(Price & availability last checked: August 2019)
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