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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Daisy's Dragons: A Story About Feelings

by Frances Stickley, illustrated by Annabel Tempest - £6.99  Templar Publishing (2021)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781787418974 | ISBN 10: 1787418979

A delightful picture book which explores the importance of emotions.
Warning! Contains dragons.
Nobody but Daisy can see her dragons. And usually, they all get along in their own wonderful chaotic way, but Daisy's dragons aren't like ordinary dragons; Daisy's dragons are her feelings. So when Daisy has a very tricky day, suddenly, all is not harmonious amongst the dragons. Sad keeps growing and growing, and Angry is breathing fire at everyone and everything he sees while Scared's screaming is driving everybody to distraction. Suddenly, some of Daisy's dragons feel bad. And Daisy doesn't want bad dragons. But Daisy soon discovers that without Angry, Sad and Scared, her other dragons are nowhere to be seen either. Could it be that to feel truly happy, calm and brave, Daisy needs all of her dragons together?
Daisy's Dragons is a mindful metaphor that helps children understand the importance of all their emotions - even the negative ones. It addresses the necessity of difficult feelings and celebrates their capacity for self-preservation, self-esteem and reflection.
After all, you can't be brave if you're not frightened first.
Recommended for readers aged 3-6

(Price & availability last checked: December 2021)

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