by Matthew Green - £8.99 Portobello Books (2009)
ISBN 13: 9781846270314 | ISBN 10: 1846270316
Somewhere in the jungles of Uganda, there hides a fugitive rebel-leder: in charge of a ragged army of brutalised child soldiers and said to take his orders direct from the spirit world, he has left a bloody trail of devastation across his country. Joseph Kony is now among the most wanted men in the world, and yet nobody knows who he is or what he is fighting for.
Intrigued by the myths, Matthew Green boldly heads into the war zone, meets the victims, the peacemakers and the powerbrokers, on the trail of the 'wizard' himself.
"This story of a real-life Kurtz takes us closer to understanding the inhumane horror of one madman's war."
(Bob Geldof)
"A fine, brave book that recalls the vivid reportage of Nick Danziger and illuminates the unfathomable extremes of human mendacity."
(The Times)
(Price & availability last checked: September 2018)
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