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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Seeking Refuge

by Irene N. Watts and Kathryn E. Shoemaker - £11.95  Tradewind Books (2016)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781926890029 | ISBN 10: 1926890027

Eleven-year-old Marianne is fortunate. She one of the first two hundred Jewish children on the heroic rescue operation known as the Kindertransport, which arrived in London, England in December, 1938.
Life in the new country seems strange, her few words of English and her attempts to become an ordinary English girl are not enough to please her foster mother, who wanted a girl as a domestic servant. Marianne deeply misses her family, whom she had to leave behind.
With the outbreak of World War II in 1939 Marianne finds herself being evacuated to Wales. She is shuffled from one unsuitable home to another– (em dash)but there is a surprise in store and Marianne’s courage and resilience is finally rewarded.
The Kindertransport ultimately saved of almost 10,000 children from Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia in the nine months preceding World War II was a unique and triumphant human effort. Marianne’s story is based on the kind of events that were actually experienced by the children. Author Irene N. Watts was one of them, arriving on the second Kindertransport in December 1938 at the age of seven.

(Price & availability last checked: February 2017)

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