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Crossworld Crosswords: 50 Cryptic and Quick Puzzles for the Internationally Inclined

by Axe (Alun Evans) - £5.99  New Internationalist Publications Ltd (2007)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781904456834 | ISBN 10: 1904456839

Double-clued for double the fun, Crossworld Crosswords presents a unique challenge of puzzles about our world: its places, peoples and politics. 50 brand new puzzles have been created for your pleasure (and torture!) by Axe, crossword maestro for the New Internationalist magazine for over 10 years. Each puzzle has two sets of clues - the so-called 'quick' or definition-only, and the cryptic - that both lead to the same solution.
Like those in the New Internationalist magazine, each crossword puzzle is internationally themed, taking in politics, geography and the environment so that world leaders, religious references and ancient civilizations appear alongside (or down from) capital cities, rivers, mountains and seas. The earth's troubles, both natural and human-made, get a look-in too.
If you have yet to get to grips with the art of the cryptic crossword now is your chance - Axe reveals some of the tricks of the trade in his introduction and with the solutions you will also find explanations.

(Price & availability last checked: August 2018)

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