by Gillian Morgan - £8.99 Honno Ltd (Welsh Women's Press). (2010)
ISBN 13: 9781906784157 | ISBN 10: 1906784159
It is the reds, more than any other colour, that vibrate. Cochineal, verbena, magenta, carmine, fuchsia, flaunting crocosmia, Chinese laquer red, Marilyn Monroe lipstick red, and all the geranium combinations that lead to the deep red oxblood, the same shade as our front doorstep...
Twenty-year-old Stella keeps her sumptously coloured knitting wools stockpiled in her Victorian grandfather's disused shop. They're the only shafts of light illuminating a quietly conservative life - apart from a few starlit moments with her tentative first love.
Diagnosed as in need of a major life change by a glamorous friend newly back from 'the Contintent', and funded by an unexpected windfall, the opportunity to escape is irresistible.
Flying PanAm to New York in search of her dreams, Stella is knocked off course by a chance meeting with a generous stranger. With distance comes a new confidence and challenging insights...
A colourful first novel of tangible sensual pleasures, Salt Blue paints a striking picture of life in the 50s...
(Price & availability last checked: December 2018)
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